Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Mid-Term Self Evaluation

This has been a very interesting exercise learning how to find my voice and create content around the arts and the importance of the arts. Since I am very passionate about the arts, I assumed it would be a piece of cake. Turns out its harder than it seemed. I feel I have written a few interesting pieces one including "how to host a paint night party." I really enjoyed writing this one and thought it showcased my voice and passion for the arts the best. It got a good response and was definitely one of the best pieces of writing. Although it wasn't a serious piece, it was informative and interesting and relatable. It has been hard to come up with creative things to write about that aren't just about the importance of the arts. I think that is what has been limiting me to really explore this class and create long form pieces. 

With that being said, I think I am going to change my topic to something a little more broad that I can explore. I will be changing my blog to a food blog and will be exploring all things related to food from recipes, to restaurants all from an amateur foodie! I have never written about food but I feel it is something I am interested in and can write more about. I am changing my username to "foodblogger22" Get ready for some new and hopefully interesting content!


  1. I think we both ended up in the same boat of "I picked a topic I struggled to write about eventually." It's really refreshing to pick a new beat at this point! I agree that choosing a broader topic will give us both more room to be flexible in choosing what we write about every week.

    And I am an eternal foodie, so I'm excited to see what you will post in the coming weeks!

  2. I agree with you 100%. This second half is great opportunity to get a fresh start. I myself am excited to write about a new topic, looking forward to learning some new recipes and places to eat!


Final Post

This class has taught me a lot about writing and creating your voice. Even just reading other people's writings, I have learned how to w...