Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Get Creative

Get Creative is an app/website that allows designers/artists/creators or anyone in the arts to search or learn more about creative fields, find inspiration or just browse some interesting sites. The computer is used so much for nonsense (social media) or just scrolling through aimlessly. It would be great to be able to create a site/app where people can go to find out information about new fields. There are so many new fields that didn't even exist 5 years ago and unless you stumble onto it you don't wouldn't know about it. This app would allow users to search, read, research what people are doing for a career. People can post what they do and get connected to people interested in it. They can act in a sense as a mentor and they can post tips and tricks for getting into the field. This will allow users young and old to either change fields or enter it right out of college. 

Another part of the site will be just inspiration and people can post fun projects they are working on. They can also post if they need advice or they can get real user research online. People can post surveys or card sorting if they need some quick research for a simple project. There will also be kind of a Pinterest inspired section where you can scroll through designs, colors, photographs, etc. and get inspiration. 

The last part of the site will be a place for interesting articles or sites. You will be able to search a topic lets say "photography" and fun articles about photography will come up. Unlike other sites, these articles are generated by the ones that people found the most interesting. The top articles will be the top voted articles and there will be a constant update of articles. 

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