Arts Education is the teaching of music, dance, theatre, and visual arts. "Study in the arts is integral to our society. ... The arts are what make us most human, most complete as people. The arts cannot be learned through occasional or random exposure any more than math or science can." [1]
Importance of Art Education
Many studies have been done to show that the arts have a positive influence on development. It is proven that by incorporating the arts into school systems overtime students have better fine motor skills and emotional balance. The arts are also helpful in developing neural systems. It is hard to measure the arts like you would math and science because it takes time to see an impact. There is no test to take like in a science based field to show if the arts are helpful. [2]
School Cuts
Lately, the government has decided to cut essential funding for the arts. President Trump wants to completely cut funding from National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting by 2018. [3]
“The Corporation for Public Broadcasting money is actually crucial to keeping stations alive,” said Patricia Aufderheide, founder of the Center for Media and Social Impact at American University. “That is what pays for the electric bill, that is what pays for upgrades in the equipment. Without that money, I think there are very few stations that are going to operate purely on donations.” [3]
By cutting funding, organizations like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting would have to cut back programming and Independent Television Service would have to cut back on creating content that gives a voice to marginalized groups. This would affect everyone it would especially affect rural and low-income communities. Rural communities get about 25 percent of NEA block-grant funds and low-income areas get about 54 percent. [3]
Music is the art of sound. This art allows for the expression of ideas and emotion through rhythm, melody and harmony. [4] Music class is a core part of the curriculum for elementary and middle school. There are also classes in high school and college for students that excel and want to continue. Humans have an emotional reaction to music. Music can make us feel calm and make us excited or happy. Everyone responds to different types of music differently. So something you like, your friend might hate. It just depends on what how your brain responds to the sound. "Valorie Salimpoor, now a neuroscientist at McGill University in Montreal, along with some of her colleagues, that music triggers activity in the nucleus accumbens, the same brain structure that releases the “pleasure chemical” dopamine during sex and eating. [5]
Dance is the art of movement that conveys the human experience. With the help of the music, movements are created to go along with it. Along with music, dance allows us to create; to take something we have an emotional reaction to and make something artistically beautiful with it. This form of art allows the brain to understand movement, form and be able take create something and perform it. Dance is an art that doesn't require any verbal communication. To convey a message you need to act it out and perform it. Most dance numbers require collaboration and working together to create something that works for everyone in the group. It requires teamwork and trust and allows students to build on those skills through dance. [6]
Theatre is the art of the use of body and voice. This type of arts requires the actor to work off of other people and objects on the stage to help further the performance. Unlike dance, verbal communication is a huge piece of the performance. Theatre helps students develop self-confidence, empathy, cooperation, problem solving, memorization and trust. [7] In order to play other characters, students must fully understand where they are coming from and be able to empathize with them. This is an essential skill for any job whether it be in theatre or even in an office or social environment.
Visual Arts
Visual arts consists of painting, drawing, graphic design, mixed media, ceramics, etc. This form of arts lets visual creatives express themselves with paint and paper. Taking in what they see everyday and creating something they see. This helps with motor skills, attention to detail and working independently and in a team setting. Being able to see something as not just as it is but to see it and be able to make something more with it, allows for the brain to think critically. [8] Visual arts also allows students to look closely and observe around them. It allows them to not be afraid to try something and explore their potential. [9]
[2] Arts with the Brain in Mind By Eric Jensen