Monday, July 17, 2017

Food Finder proposal

Have you ever gotten home from a long day dealing with clients at work and realized you hadn't even thought about dinner? You look in the fridge and think there couldn't be the right ingredients for a meal. This is a problem a lot of working individuals face when coming home after a long day and not having the energy to go to the grocery store to pick up some food for a simple meal. However, you'd be surprised at how many things you already have that can become an easy, fast meal. 

With Food Finder, scan your fridge and pantry with your smartphone and Food Finder will generate simple recipes based on ingredients you already have in your pantry and fridge. This will save individuals, families, just about everyone who looks in their fridge and doesn't see the potential of all their random food items.

Food Finder is looking for funding from food corporations and healthy initiatives looking to help individuals make healthy and simple food after a long day. The app will begin development in September 2017 and be up and running hopefully by November 2018. This will take a lot of dedicated hardworking individuals that are passionate about Food Finder and providing resources for people to use to make healthy choices.

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